This is a collection of heartfelt, unfiltered writings on providing sanctuary, the life journey, stories from abroad and much more.
The Cob Hut: YARA’s meeting space
A space to come together as one, a space for meditating, for educating, for saving seeds, for moving our bodies, and chanting. To gather inside this earthen structure that we have coined, The Nest.
The Retreat of the Butterfly
I took this picture while my dear friend, Efra, and I were driving over the mountains high above the Pacific coastline. The road was rough, steep, and rutted with deep ditches from the rains of the last 5 months.
The Bears of Transylvania
A train ride through the countryside of Transylvania to Libearty Sanctuary.
The Angels in Cluj
My exploration of Cluj — language, veggie markets and orthodoxes churches
Budapest Angels
The sun was low on the city skyline pressing warmth against the tattered stone buildings that faced west.
Bikeride of Well Wishes
I was riding my bike so late one night that it was actually morning.
The Home Stretch. Perspective on Radiation
I have a tattoo between my breasts. I got it in Thailand a year before my diagnosis.
The Cat Scan Scat
Time moves us forward with no regard for our indecision. I must make a choice.
The Queen of Swords
There is a sweet everlasting droplet of love in every single one of us.
The Cocoon
This cancer is a catalyst opening up something much greater than the cancer itself.
I Have Cancer
I never thought those words would roll off my tongue, but here I am and now cancer is part of my story.
The Whatness that is Nameless
I am so grateful for the birds, the bees, the trees, the sun, the wind.
Supporting Community
New Day School is hosting a day healthy lifestyle combining the traditions of yoga as well as other healing arts.
Sanctuary Adventure
An excerpt from the upcoming book: Underneath: Seeking The True Teacher
An exercise for your meditation practice:
Find a comfortable seat and close the eyes. Feel the natural process of breathing.