This is a collection of heartfelt, unfiltered writings on providing sanctuary, the life journey, stories from abroad and much more.
The Matriarch of The Goats
Curdle met a lot of friends here. She was the beginning and is the beginning in her passing. RIP my dear Miss White Goat!
What if What
Keep the eyes closed,
or if open,
simply receive.
Inside is where we all meet.
Ironic Regret
I send flowers to myself every night before I fall asleep. Flowers of forgiveness for any mistakes that have been made.
Ashes to Ashes
It is Love that weaves life into the bones of every being. It is Love that expands in all directions.
The Bumble Bee
Was it his breath on the whisper or the whisper on the breath that moved that little soul?
The Spirits Underneath
The Spirit of Water—Instinctual Power, Aligned Will, Courage & Wisdom