The Matriarch of The Goats

Farewell to Curdle R.I.P

10 years ago, two Nigerian Dwarf goats were abandoned in a backyard pen near downtown Sellwood.

When they arrived here at YARA, there began the journey of this small bit of land being a haven for critters large and small. Her passing represents the beginning of the end of an era. She was the first, always.

She passed in the night, so when I walked out to feed everyone in the morning I found her curled up under one of the shelters and knew from a distance that life had left her body.

She loved to rub her horns on the side of my boot, and lucky for me, I gave her some time the day before to do that. When I slow down and pause, the animals always want to gather around my legs and converse. I would have been saddened if I hadn’t given her the time of day before she died. I have learned, for me, that is what time is; to be given.

I need to remember to take pause, to be with them; the goats, the chatty chickens, the shy, yet curious bunnies, my sweet dogs, and that tricky kitty… because all of this is fleeting. These moments become memories swiftly and I want to remember.

Curdle, you were a lovely friend and we have been through a lot together. Thank you for your companionship and for being the boss for so many years. You will be missed.


Love and Loss


The RV foursome Rescue