Love and Loss
Hello Friends,
It has been awhile. The month of November has been consumed with the unexpected loss of my daughters’ papa. On All Souls Day, November 1st, our lives were forever changed when he left his body.
I had never thought about it, never pondered the impact, never considered the aftermath of losing him; my daughters’ papa, my parenting partner, my friend who would be there till the end of our days, watching the grandchildren, like reflections, play, laugh, and be loved. Witnessing our own children’s lives, now beautiful adults, blossoming with dreams coming true. We will miss you Brad Roy over and over again, forever and always.
No longer a thought, now a reality, everything has changed. Even the past has changed. And the future, is it falling into place or apart? Is it opening up to an uncertain peril or a mystery in which we are all here to play our part?
These questions can be asked while looking inward at our direct experiences, as well as contemplating the future of our global family. And I don’t think we will know the answer until the illusion that we are in control is abandoned, when we swim in empathy and compassion and relinquish all that separates us.
We are deeply interconnected and I feel incredibly lucky to be able to step back in, offer opportunities, create invitations and events that bring us together with awareness and compassion.
We have shared experiences in living and dying. I have felt held by so many of you. Thank you. I hope I get the chance to hold space for you. I would love to see you. Truly, sweethome