Independent Writing Practice

Reflective Writing — An Expression of Self

Cultivate your sense of purpose through the daily discipline of mantra and writing. This 14-day creative experience will awaken your curiosity and use your unique experiences to better understand yourself and the world around you.


We all seek to live a life of meaning, one of expansion and discovery with the clarity that introspection provides. In most cases, the finish line is undefined and the starting point unclear. Cultivating knowledge of self will indeed assist us in finding peace in a chaotic world. All the answers are within if we just pause to become acquainted with this intimate experience of living.


For the next two weeks, I will offer you daily prompts to explore your inner self. Through writing and meditation you will reflect on your essence, your influences, and your environment. You will look back at your life’s journey, and embrace with gratitude what is yet to come. Trust that no answers are wrong, your experience will be unique and personal. This will be an opportunity to strengthen your roots and bring clarity to your knowledge of self.


Reflective Writing — An Expression of Self Workshop is a 14-day workshop in which you will receive:

  • A short note from me

  • Affirmation/mantra to meditate upon, including several recording to help guide you

  • Writing prompts


Upon signing up, you will receive an introductory email and your first prompt will land in your inbox the following day. For the next two weeks you will receive a daily email, allowing you to create a sustainable ritual for the duration of this workshop and beyond. The email will land in your inbox 24 hours after you make your purchase, so remember to schedule your daily routine accordingly. This is your practice to be cultivated, find a quiet place, dust off your journal and surrender to the process. This is a fully independent workshop, an intimate discovery that requires courage and honesty. I would be honored to hear about your experience through social media or email if you feel compelled to share. You can find me on Instagram and Facebook.

Cost: $18 — Proceeds support Yara

What People Are Saying


“This 14 day reflective writing series Is beautifully created from the introduction to set up the days theme, to instructions on the writing prompts and then to the mantra to seal the days practice, I really enjoyed digging deeper into my own and the world’s healing and well-being. Thank you for your generosity Sweethome!”

'“This workshop and the writing really made a tangible and visceral change in how I feel connected to others in a way that is difficult to put into words. I am grateful!”

“Some of the prompts inviting me to focus on challenging people/situations were difficult, but I recognize their importance as part of my journey and understanding my Interconnectedness with all sentient beings.”

With commitment and dedication, this creative practice will bring clarity to your pursuit of understanding yourself, as well as your purpose in the world. You are the muse, the very source of inspiration that will guide you through this journey.

Let us begin.