Well, the goat and me got through it together


I meant to write to you days ago, but alas, I was delayed due to my first intimate introduction with Covid, and I tell ya, I haven’t been sick like that since I was a child. I am on the other side of it…oh wait a minute, maybe not….yes, I’m better….. hold on, oh woah, no I’m not.

It comes in waves; waves of exhaustion. congestion, depletion, and depression. Why do I feel like my emotional body got sick too? I have been coughing up rage, sneezing sorrow, sweating frustration, and sleeping off insecurity. Can any of you relate?

On top of that, just when I was coming to terms and actually quite devoted to rebelliously resting for a few days, a volunteer here accidentally gave my goats an extremely toxic plant. I spent the first few days of my Covid time, not in my bed, but in a fold up chair in the backyard pen feeding my goat liquids, medicines, injections, and praying she would survive. Being poisoned is, indeed, a most painful experience.

Curdle, my oldest goat, is the one who ate the Azalea branch. She is quite a bully and greedy with her food. I am usually frustrated with her for being that way, but this day I was grateful for it. She saved the other three from a horrible experience, perhaps even saving their lives. and I am so thankful that she survived. She and I have been together for a long time.

We both made it through the rough patch, hers, no doubt, more harrowing than mine. I don’t think she will ever be the same. And in all honesty, I hope I am forever changed as well.

I am ready. Are you?


Journal entry


Dear Friend,