Welcome to the
Invoke Course
Union with the Inner Teacher
and Divine Presence
Welcome — Introduction
Such gratitude for your presence here. The Invoke course is a collection of videos, recordings, and worksheets sharing philosophies and practical tools that support living an intimate and awake life.
2. The Sound of Aum
The sound of Aum is the sound of all sounds, the vibration of the universe and is always present.
3. ShantiMantra
This chant is an invocation between the teacher and the student, between that which we know and that which is just on the other side of knowing. A teacher is, in essence, the bridge that connects the two.
4. The True Teacher
Eventually you find yourself exactly where you are meant to be. You have reached your destination. No longer are you reaching with those searching eyes, but now the world pours into those eyes.
5. Spirit Guide Meditation
There is a voice within each of us. This wise, eternal voice loves us always and unconditionally.
6. Ayurmantra
Ayur means Life. Dhehi is nourishment and we chant to the various aspects of being in form asking for the energetic movements of our body to be nourished, our senses of perception to be nourished, and our relationships to be nourished.
7. Laghunyasa
The Mantra, Laghunyasa, is an invocation and commitment to acknowledging and trusting in this relationship of our inner and outer world by recognizing the link between the various elements that support the senses of perception:
8. Affirmations
This meditation is focusing on imbuing our mind, heart, and perceptions with self love through repeating affirmations and acknowledgements.
9. The Yamas
The Yamas are moral markers, practices, stepping stones to live a good life in community. They are the practices of non-harming, honesty, non-stealing, respecting individual power, and non-greediness.
10. Pavamana Mantra
This mantra focuses on that transformation being a form of ascension. We move from ignorance to wisdom, from the dense and dull to that which is illuminating and bright. we come to understand that death is inevitable, yet immortality is within all sentience.
Sealing the Practice
Gratitude is an experience of union. In essence, the experience of gratitude is the uniting with whatever it is you are grateful for.